Middleton, John 1953

Middleton, John. 1953. on front cover: The Kikuyu and Kamba of Kenya: (the Kikuyu, including Embu, Meru, Mbere, Chuka, Mwimbi, Tharaka, and the Kamba of Kenya). (Ethnographic Survey of Africa : East Central Africa, 5.) London: Int. African Inst. 107pp.

  address               = {London},
  author                = {Middleton, John},
  pages                 = {107},
  publisher             = {Int. African Inst.},
  series                = {Ethnographic Survey of Africa : East Central Africa},
  title                 = {on front cover: The Kikuyu and Kamba of Kenya: (the Kikuyu, including Embu, Meru, Mbere, Chuka, Mwimbi, Tharaka, and the Kamba of Kenya)},
  volume                = {5},
  year                  = {1953},
  class_loc             = {DT434.E2},
  document_type         = {B},
  inlg                  = {English [eng]},
  jfmnote               = {Reprinted 1979 by AMS Press in New York (ISBN-10 0-404-15952-4).},
  keywords              = {;nea;eaf;kny;ant;bnt;e.51;e.52;e.53;e.541;e.54;e.55;e.531;},
  lgcode                = {Mwimbi-Muthambi [mws], Kamba (Kenya) [kam], Kikuyu [kik], Embu [ebu], Tharaka [thk], Meru [mer], Chuka [cuh] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)},
  macro_area            = {Africa},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf = {DT 434 .E2 MID 1953},
  src                   = {eballiso2009, mpieva},
  subject_headings      = {Kikuyu (African people), Kamba (African people), Kikuyu (African people) – Kamba (African people)}


Name in source Glottolog languoid
Kamba (Kenya)
Chuka (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]