McKaughan, Howard P. and Loving, Richard 1974

McKaughan, Howard P. & Richard Loving. 1974. Awa. In Kenneth A. McElhanon (ed.), Legends from Papua New Guinea, 45-53. Ukarumpa: Summer Institute of Linguistics.

  address    = {Ukarumpa},
  author     = {McKaughan, Howard P. and Loving, Richard},
  booktitle  = {Legends from Papua New Guinea},
  editor     = {Kenneth A. McElhanon},
  pages      = {45-53},
  publisher  = {Summer Institute of Linguistics},
  title      = {Awa},
  year       = {1974},
  country    = {Papua New Guinea [PG]},
  lgcode     = {Awa (Papua New Guinea) [awb]},
  macro_area = {Papunesia},
  sil_id     = {11677},
  src        = {sil16, silpng},
  subject    = {Folklore, myth and legend [FML]}