Aschmann, Herman P. and Aschmann, Elizabeth D. 1973

Aschmann, Herman P. & Elizabeth D. Aschmann. 1973. Diccionario totonaco de Papantla. (Serie de vocabularios y diccionarios indígenas "Mariano Silva y Aceves", 16.) Mexico: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. xiii+268pp.

  address    = {Mexico},
  author     = {Aschmann, Herman P. and Aschmann, Elizabeth D.},
  pages      = {xiii+268},
  publisher  = {Instituto Lingüístico de Verano},
  series     = {Serie de vocabularios y diccionarios indígenas "Mariano Silva y Aceves"},
  title      = {Diccionario totonaco de Papantla},
  volume     = {16},
  year       = {1973},
  bestfn     = {north_america\aschmann-aschmann_totonaco-papantla1973_o.pdf},
  besttxt    = {ptxt\north_america\aschmann-aschmann_totonaco-papantla1973.txt},
  country    = {Mexico [MX]},
  fn         = {north_america\aschmann-aschmann_totonaco-papantla1973_o.pdf, north_america\aschmann-aschmann_totonaco-papantla1973.pdf},
  hhtype     = {dictionary},
  inlg       = {Spanish [spa]},
  isbn       = {9780883127506},
  lgcode     = {Papantla Totonac [top]},
  macro_area = {North America},
  oclc       = {702437462},
  sil_id     = {10113},
  src        = {hh, sil16},
  subject    = {Dictionaries and vocabularies [DAV]}

Document types


Name in source Glottolog languoid
Papantla Totonac