LeeAnn Reed and the Yopno translation team 2003

Reed, LeeAnn & the Yopno translation team. 2003. Yopno manj.k, B.lak 2, Term 1 [Yopno reading book, year 2, term 1]. 1st edn. Wycliffe Bible Translators, Orlando, FL, USA. 57pp.

  author        = {LeeAnn Reed and the Yopno translation team},
  edition       = {1},
  pages         = {57},
  publisher     = {Wycliffe Bible Translators, Orlando, FL, USA},
  title         = {Yopno manj.k, B.lak 2, Term 1},
  year          = {2003},
  copies        = {500},
  domain        = {reader},
  isbn          = {9789980027917},
  langnote      = {Yopno},
  lgcode        = {Yopno [yut]},
  macro_area    = {Papunesia},
  src           = {silpng},
  title_english = {Yopno reading book, year 2, term 1}