Hiroyuki Suzuki and Tsering Sundrup and Sonam Wangmo 2021

Suzuki, Hiroyuki, Tsering Sundrup & Sonam Wangmo. 2021. Taya ma (doragu-yab sMar)-go tomoe niwaka (mBengo) hōgen no goi shiryō (nichiei taishō) riyō tōkei o miru [Wordlist of the mBengo dialect of Drag-yab sMar (Japanese-English)]. Journal of Kijutsuken (Descriptive Linguistics Study Group) 13. 189-213.

  author         = {Hiroyuki Suzuki and Tsering Sundrup and Sonam Wangmo},
  journal        = {Journal of Kijutsuken (Descriptive Linguistics Study Group)},
  pages          = {189-213},
  title          = {Taya ma (doragu-yab sMar)-go tomoe niwaka (mBengo) hōgen no goi shiryō (nichiei taishō) riyō tōkei o miru},
  volume         = {13},
  year           = {2021},
  cfn            = {eurasia\suzuki_bengo2021.pdf},
  fn             = {eurasia\suzuki_bengo2021.pdf},
  hhtype         = {wordlist},
  inlg           = {Japanese [jpn]},
  lgcode         = {mBengo = Drag-yab [NOCODE_Dragyab]},
  macro_area     = {Eurasia},
  src            = {hh},
  title_english  = {Wordlist of the mBengo dialect of Drag-yab sMar (Japanese-English)},
  title_original = {タヤ・マ(Drag-yab sMar) 語巴俄(mBengo) 方言の語彙資料(日英対照) 利用統計を見る}

Document types


Name in source Glottolog languoid