Rowe, Jennifer L. [Smith] 1994

Rowe, Jennifer L. [Smith]. 1994. Le système de parenté des Waaba. In Moore, Barbara (ed.), Insights in African ethnography, 51-77. Abidjan: Summer Inst. of Linguistics (SIL).

  address          = {Abidjan},
  author           = {Rowe, Jennifer L. [Smith]},
  booktitle        = {Insights in African ethnography},
  editor           = {Moore, Barbara},
  pages            = {51-77},
  publisher        = {Summer Inst. of Linguistics (SIL)},
  series           = {Occasional papers from Ethno-Info},
  title            = {Le système de parenté des Waaba},
  volume           = {1},
  year             = {1994},
  country          = {Benin [BJ]},
  inlg             = {French [fra]},
  keywords         = {;waf;tgo;ant;lng;lxl;u.216;},
  lgcode           = {Waama [wwa]},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  sil_id           = {35479},
  src              = {eballiso2009, sil16, weball},
  subject          = {Kinship systems [KSY]},
  subject_headings = {waf, tgo, ant, lng, lxl, u.216}