Robinson, Laura C. 2008

Robinson, Laura C. 2008. Dupaningan Agta: Grammar, vocabulary, and texts. Honululu: University of Hawai'i at Mānoa dissertation. (xv+363pp.) (Abstract: Dupaningan Agta is an Austronesian language (Philippine subgroup) spoken in northeastern Luzon, Philippines by approximately 1,500 semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers belonging to the Negrito ethnic minority. The language is endangered and is rapidly losing child speakers. This dissertation introduces the language situation and discusses phonology (synchronic and historical) and morphosyntax (word order, word classes, the verb complex, aspect, case marking, nominalization, question formation, relative clauses and other essential aspects of Dupaningan grammar). Dupaningan Agta has a relatively simple phonological system, with fifteen consonants and five vowels. Of note, *a has been fronted to /i/ or /e/ after the voiced stops /b d g/. Morphosyntactically, the language has a typical Philippine-type "focus" or "symmetrical voice" system. The topics of transitivity and ergativity are explored in this dissertation, with special reference to an interesting "double-object" construction with two syntactic subjects. Finally, this dissertation includes a substantial vocabulary and selection of texts, xv+363pp.)

  address               = {Honululu},
  author                = {Robinson, Laura C.},
  note                  = {Abstract: Dupaningan Agta is an Austronesian language (Philippine subgroup) spoken in northeastern Luzon, Philippines by approximately 1,500 semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers belonging to the Negrito ethnic minority. The language is endangered and is rapidly losing child speakers. This dissertation introduces the language situation and discusses phonology (synchronic and historical) and morphosyntax (word order, word classes, the verb complex, aspect, case marking, nominalization, question formation, relative clauses and other essential aspects of Dupaningan grammar). Dupaningan Agta has a relatively simple phonological system, with fifteen consonants and five vowels. Of note, *a has been fronted to /i/ or /e/ after the voiced stops /b d g/. Morphosyntactically, the language has a typical Philippine-type "focus" or "symmetrical voice" system. The topics of transitivity and ergativity are explored in this dissertation, with special reference to an interesting "double-object" construction with two syntactic subjects. Finally, this dissertation includes a substantial vocabulary and selection of texts},
  pages                 = {xv+363},
  publisher             = {Univ. of Hawai'i},
  school                = {University of Hawai'i at Mānoa},
  title                 = {Dupaningan Agta: Grammar, vocabulary, and texts},
  url                   = {},
  year                  = {2008},
  bestfn                = {papua\robinson_dupaningan-agta2008v2.pdf},
  besttxt               = {ptxt2\papua\robinson_dupaningan-agta2008v2.txt},
  cfn                   = {papua\robinson_dupaningan-agta2008v2.pdf},
  citekeys              = {cldf1:Robinson-2008 cldf9:794288f252f45d35735a13853e605939},
  class_loc             = {PL5550},
  delivered             = {papua\robinson_dupaningan-agta2008v2.pdf},
  document_type         = {B},
  filenames             = {duo_robinson2008.pdf},
  fn                    = {papua\robinson_dupaningan-agta2008v2.pdf},
  hhtype                = {grammar},
  inlg                  = {English [eng]},
  isbn                  = {9780549641391},
  iso_code              = {duo},
  isreferencedby        = {cldf1 cldf9},
  lgcode                = {Agta-Dupaninan [duo]},
  local_ids             = {2361},
  macro_area            = {Papunesia},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf = {PL 5550 ROB 2008},
  oclc                  = {747258842},
  olac_field            = {syntax; semantics; general_linguistics; typology},
  src                   = {cldf, hh, mpieva, phoible},
  subject_headings      = {Dupaninan Agta language–Grammar, Dupaninan Agta language–Grammar},
  wals_code             = {agd},
  wals_ref_name         = {Robinson 2008}