von Roncador, Manfred and Miehe, Gudrun 1998

Roncador, Manfred von & Gudrun Miehe. 1998. Les langues Gur (Voltaïques): Bibliographie commentée et inventaire des appellations des langues. (Gur Monographs, 1.) Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe. viii+283pp.

  address               = {Cologne},
  author                = {von Roncador, Manfred and Miehe, Gudrun},
  pages                 = {viii+283},
  publisher             = {Rüdiger Köppe},
  series                = {Gur Monographs},
  title                 = {Les langues Gur (Voltaïques): Bibliographie commentée et inventaire des appellations des langues},
  volume                = {1},
  year                  = {1998},
  class_loc             = {PL8222 Z7108.G87},
  document_type         = {B},
  fn                    = {africa\vonroncador-miehe_gur1998pages.pdf, africa\vonroncador-miehe_gur1998pages_o.pdf},
  hhtype                = {overview;bibliographical},
  inlg                  = {French [fra]},
  isbn                  = {9783896451118},
  keywords              = {;waf;bbl;lng;u.200;},
  macro_area            = {Africa},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf = {PL 8222 RON 1998},
  src                   = {eballiso2009, hh, mpieva, weball},
  subject_headings      = {waf, bbl, lng, u.200}