Williams, Ralph M. 1973

Williams, Ralph M. 1973. A lexico-statistical look at Oluluyia. (Paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference on African Linguistics).

  address          = {New York, NY: Queens College},
  author           = {Williams, Ralph M.},
  note             = {Paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference on African Linguistics},
  title            = {A lexico-statistical look at Oluluyia},
  year             = {1973},
  citekeys         = {langsci306:williams_lexico-statistical_1973},
  isreferencedby   = {langsci306},
  keywords         = {;eaf;ugn;lng;lxl;lcl;bnt;j.e.32;},
  lgcode           = {Saamia [lsm] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  notes            = {Referred to by Hinnebusch (1999:203).},
  src              = {eballiso2009, langsci, weball},
  subject_headings = {eaf, ugn, lng, lxl, lcl, bnt, j.e.32}