Adami, Pio and Djarangar, Djita Issa and Fédry, Jacques and Nassity, Ngarbatom and Palayer, Pierre 1981

Adami, Pio, Djita Issa Djarangar, Jacques Fédry, Ngarbatom Nassity & Pierre Palayer. 1981. Lexique bediondo-français. Sarh: Centre d'Etudes Linguistiques, Collège Charles Lwanga. 238pp.

  address          = {Sarh},
  author           = {Adami, Pio and Djarangar, Djita Issa and Fédry, Jacques and Nassity, Ngarbatom and Palayer, Pierre},
  pages            = {238},
  publisher        = {Centre d'Etudes Linguistiques, Collège Charles Lwanga},
  title            = {Lexique bediondo-français},
  year             = {1981},
  bestfn           = {africa\adamietal_bediondo1981_o.pdf},
  besttxt          = {ptxt2\africa\adamietal_bediondo1981_o.txt},
  fn               = {africa\adamietal_bediondo1981.pdf, africa\adamietal_bediondo1981_o.pdf},
  hhtype           = {dictionary},
  inlg             = {French [fra]},
  keywords         = {;waf;caf;chd;lng;dct;v.418;},
  lgcode           = {Bedjond [bjv]},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  oclc             = {461879247},
  src              = {eballiso2009, hh, weball},
  subject_headings = {caf, chd, dct, v.418}