Nissor Singh, U. 1906

Nissor Singh, U. 1906. Khasi-English dictionary. Ed. by Gurdon, P. R. T.; & Dohory Ropmay, U; & Hajom Kissor Singh, U. Shillong: Eastern Bengal and Assam Secretariat Press. vi+(1)+247pp.

  address   = {Ed. by Gurdon, P. R. T.; & Dohory Ropmay, U; & Hajom Kissor Singh, U. Shillong},
  author    = {Nissor Singh, U.},
  pages     = {vi+(1)+247},
  publisher = {Eastern Bengal and Assam Secretariat Press},
  title     = {Khasi-English dictionary},
  year      = {1906},
  hhtype    = {dictionary (computerized assignment from "dictionary")},
  inlg      = {English [eng]},
  lgcode    = {Khasi [kha] (computerized assignment from "khasi")},
  src       = {stampe},
  stampeann = {#V472, #S324, |AAA(xerox??)}

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