Klieman, Kairn A. 1997. Hunters and Farmers of the Western Equatorial Rainforest: Economy and Society, 3000 B.C.~to A.D.~1880. University of California at Los Angeles dissertation. (xv+387pp.)
@phdthesis{159879, author = {Klieman, Kairn A.}, pages = {xv+387}, school = {University of California at Los Angeles}, title = {Hunters and Farmers of the Western Equatorial Rainforest: Economy and Society, 3000 B.C.~to A.D.~1880}, year = {1997}, bestfn = {africa\klieman_equatorial1997_o.pdf}, besttxt = {ptxt\africa\klieman_wequatorial-rainforest1997.txt}, cfn = {africa\klieman_equatorial1997_o.pdf}, delivered = {africa\klieman_equatorial1997_o.pdf}, fn = {africa\klieman_wequatorial-rainforest1997.pdf, africa\klieman_wequatorial-rainforest1997_o.pdf, africa\klieman_equatorial1997_o.pdf}, hhtype = {overview;comparative;wordlist}, inlg = {English [eng]}, isbn = {9780591220674}, lgcode = {200-word lists for Yambe [NOCODE_Yambe], Ndzem = Njyem [njy], Bekwil = Bekwil [bkw], Bomwali = Bomwali [bmw], Irimba from Mandibu (24 km SE of Moabi) Prov. Nyanga in Gabon 71 percent cognate with Punu [puu], Lumbu [lup], Igama 82 percent cognate with Lumbu [lup], Vili from Mayumbe [vif], Njebi [nzb], Ibongo-Nzebi 91 percent cognate with Njebi [nzb], Itsogho = Tsogo [tsv], Ebongo = Ebongo-Itsogho (B31.1) Okondja in Prov. Ngounié in Gabon 71 percent cognate with Tsogo [tsv], Himba = Simba [sbw], Iyaa = Yaka (Congo) [iyx], Ibongo-Iyaa Today the Ibongo-lyaa language is spoken by three distinct hunting and gathering communities 83-94 percent cognate with Iyaa = Yaka (Congo) [iyx], Ilaali = Teke-Laali [lli], Gibongo-Ilaali = Teke-Laali [lli], Ibeembe = Beembe [beq], Ibongo-Beembe = Beembe [beq], Mikaya speaking a Bantu C10 language = Mikaya-Bambengangale-Baluma [NOCODE_Mikaya-Bambengangale-Baluma], Bambengangale = Mikaya-Bambengangale-Baluma [NOCODE_Mikaya-Bambengangale-Baluma], Bongili-Pikounda = Bongili [bui], Baluma = Mikaya-Bambengangale-Baluma [NOCODE_Mikaya-Bambengangale-Baluma], Babenzele = Yaka (Central African Republic) [axk], Bambenga = Yaka (Central African Republic) [axk], Inyele = Bongili [bui], Bomitaba-Bambomba = Bomitaba [zmx], Bakolu pygmies = Bakolo pygmies = Tua Yaka = Babole-Bakolu from Mangoumba-Baye (0.9952778N 17.0788889E) close to and very probably (disparaged as being Pygmies p 222) = Dibole [bvx]}, macro_area = {Africa}, src = {hh} }
Name in source | Glottolog languoid |
200-word lists for Yambe | |
Ndzem | |
Bekwil | |
Bomwali | |
Irimba from Mandibu (24 km SE of Moabi) Prov. Nyanga in Gabon 71 percent cognate with Punu | |
Lumbu | |
Igama 82 percent cognate with Lumbu | |
Vili from Mayumbe | |
Njebi | |
Ibongo-Nzebi 91 percent cognate with Njebi | |
Itsogho | |
Ebongo | |
Himba | |
Iyaa | |
Ibongo-Iyaa Today the Ibongo-lyaa language is spoken by three distinct hunting and gathering communities 83-94 percent cognate with Iyaa | |
Ilaali | |
Gibongo-Ilaali | |
Ibeembe | |
Ibongo-Beembe | |
Mikaya speaking a Bantu C10 language | |
Bambengangale | |
Bongili-Pikounda | |
Baluma | |
Babenzele | |
Bambenga | |
Inyele | |
Bomitaba-Bambomba | |
Bakolu pygmies = Bakolo pygmies = Tua Yaka = Babole-Bakolu from Mangoumba-Baye (0.9952778N 17.0788889E) close to and very probably (disparaged as being Pygmies p 222) |