Hackett, Peter & Gaston [Vaast] van Bulck. 1956. Report of the Eastern Team: Oubangi to Great Lakes. In Malcolm Guthrie and Tucker, Archibald N. (eds.), Linguistic Survey of the Northern Bantu Borderland, 63-122. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
@incollection{148614, address = {Oxford}, author = {Hackett, Peter and van Bulck, Gaston [Vaast]}, booktitle = {Linguistic Survey of the Northern Bantu Borderland}, chapter = {Part II}, editor = {Malcolm Guthrie and Tucker, Archibald N.}, pages = {63-122}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, title = {Report of the Eastern Team: Oubangi to Great Lakes}, volume = {1}, year = {1956}, bestfn = {africa\hackett-bulck_oubangi-great-lakes1956v2_o.pdf}, besttxt = {ptxt2\africa\hackett-bulck_oubangi-great-lakes1956v2_o.txt}, citekeys = {cldf4:hv_HackettvanBulck_ETeam cldf9:fe86ba5dd61c6d465d59f6dc3378438b}, fn = {africa\guthrie-tucker_northern-bantu-borderlandi1956.pdf, africa\hackett-bulck_oubangi-great-lakes1956.pdf, africa\hackett-bulck_oubangi-great-lakes1956_o.pdf, africa\hackett-bulck_oubangi-great-lakes1956v2_o.pdf, africa\guthrie-tucker_northern-bantu1956.pdf}, hhtype = {overview;comparative}, inlg = {English [eng]}, isreferencedby = {cldf4 cldf9}, lgcode = {p 69 Bomboli [bml] close to Lobala, Bolondo [bzm], Ndoolo = Ndolo [ndl], Yamanongeri = Yamongeri [ymg], Djando = Dzando [dzn], Budjaba = Bozaba = Bomboli-Bozaba [bml], Buraka = Boraka = Gbanziri-Boraka [gbg], Ngbendere = Yango [yng], Likarili = Kari [kbj], Mayeka [myc], Nyanga-li [nyc], Gbati-ri [gti], Boguru [bqu], Homa = Homa [hom], Bodo [boy], Bungbinda = Ngbinda [nbd], Lega-Mwenga [lgm], KiKaanu = Kanu [khx], KiNyanga [nyj], P 74 Ngbele = Ngbee [jgb], Ibeeke = Beeke [bkf], P 114 Pygmy groups 8xEfe, 4xIbuti, 5xKaangu mixture of Ibuti and Indaaka, Ibuti-Imbo, 4xAka, Mamvu, 2xLimbinga}, local_ids = {98241}, macro_area = {Africa}, src = {cldf, hh} }
Name in source | Glottolog languoid |
p 69 Bomboli close to Lobala] | |
Bolondo | |
Ndoolo | |
Yamanongeri | |
Djando | |
Budjaba = Bozaba | |
Buraka = Boraka | |
Ngbendere | |
Likarili | |
Mayeka | |
Nyanga-li | |
Gbati-ri | |
Boguru | |
Homa | |
Bodo | |
Bungbinda | |
Lega-Mwenga | |
KiKaanu | |
KiNyanga | |
P 74 Ngbele | |
Ibeeke | |
P 114 Pygmy groups 8xEfe | |
4xIbuti | |
5xKaangu mixture of Ibuti and Indaaka | |
Ibuti-Imbo | |
4xAka | |
Mamvu | |
2xLimbinga |