Westermann, Diedrich 1952

Westermann, Diedrich. 1952. African linguistic classification. Africa 22. 250-256.

  author             = {Westermann, Diedrich},
  journal            = {Africa},
  pages              = {250-256},
  title              = {African linguistic classification},
  volume             = {22},
  year               = {1952},
  bestfn             = {africa\westermann_african1952_o.pdf},
  besttxt            = {ptxt\africa\westermann_african1952.txt},
  fn                 = {africa\westermann_african1952.pdf, africa\westermann_african1952_o.pdf},
  guldemann_location = {TG},
  hhtype             = {overview;comparative},
  inlg               = {English [eng]},
  jfmnote            = {Review article on Greenberg's 'Studies in African linguistic classification' which had appeared in 'Southwestern journal of anthropology', v. 5 (1949) and 6 (1950).},
  keywords           = {;afr;ssa;naf;waf;caf;nea;eaf;saf;lng;lcl;bnt;u.811;u.900;v.100;v.510;v.520;x.200;x.300;x.400;x.100;x.500;w.000;},
  lgcode             = {Pulaar [fuc] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)},
  macro_area         = {Africa},
  notes              = {Review article on Greenberg's "Studies in African linguistic classification" which had appeared in 'Southwestern journal of anthropology', vols 5 (1949) and 6 (1950).},
  src                = {eballiso2009, guldemann, hh, weball},
  subject_headings   = {afr, ssa, naf, waf, caf, nea, eaf, saf, lng, lcl, u.811, u.900, bnt, 0.00, v.100, v.500, v.600, x.200, x.300, x.400, x.100, x.500, w.320, w.311, w.002, w.200, w.100, w.401, w.501}