Daniel Paul and Elisabeth Abbess and Katja Müller and Calvin Tiessen and Gabriela Tiessen 2010

Paul, Daniel, Elisabeth Abbess, Katja Müller, Calvin Tiessen & Gabriela Tiessen. 2010. The Ethnolinguistic Vitality of Yaghnobi. SIL Electronic Survey Reports 2010-017. 1-33.

  author         = {Daniel Paul and Elisabeth Abbess and Katja Müller and Calvin Tiessen and Gabriela Tiessen},
  institution    = {SIL International},
  journal        = {SIL Electronic Survey Reports},
  pages          = {1-33},
  title          = {The Ethnolinguistic Vitality of Yaghnobi},
  url            = {http://www.sil.org/silesr/abstract.asp?ref=2010-017},
  volume         = {2010-017},
  year           = {2010},
  bestfn         = {eurasia\pauletal_yaghnobi2010.pdf},
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  inlg           = {English [eng]},
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