Matthaeus, (Apostolus) and Bassett, James, 1834-1906 and Amirchanianz, Abraham. 1884

Matthaeus, (Apostolus), 1834-1906 Bassett James & Abraham. Amirchanianz. 1884. [...] Jaghatai Tartar, or Takah Turkoman St. Matthew [Matthaeus (Apostolus): Evangelium <tschagataisch>]. 2nd edn. London: British and Foreign Bible Society. 144pp. (In arab. Schrift).

  address                 = {London},
  author                  = {Matthaeus, (Apostolus) and Bassett, James, 1834-1906 and Amirchanianz, Abraham.},
  edition                 = {2},
  note                    = {In arab. Schrift},
  pages                   = {144},
  publisher               = {British and Foreign Bible Society},
  title                   = {[...] Jaghatai Tartar, or Takah Turkoman St. Matthew [Matthaeus (Apostolus): Evangelium <tschagataisch>]},
  year                    = {1884},
  document_type           = {B},
  german_subject_headings = {Tschagataisch, Evangelium, Text, Tschagataisch – Evangelium – Text},
  lgcode                  = {Chagatai [chg]},
  macro_area              = {Eurasia},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf   = {BS 315 .CH3 (Matthew) 1884 (2)},
  src                     = {mpieva},
  subject_headings        = {Turkic languages – Texts., Turkic languages – Texts.}