Schapera, Isaac and van der Merwe, D.F. 1942

Schapera, Isaac & D.F. van der Merwe. 1942. Notes on the noun classes of some Bantu languages of Ngamiland: Yeei, Subia, Gova and Gcereku. (Comm. from the School of African Studies, new series, 2.) Cape Town: University of Cape Town (UCT). 97pp.

  address          = {Cape Town},
  author           = {Schapera, Isaac and van der Merwe, D.F.},
  pages            = {97},
  publisher        = {University of Cape Town (UCT)},
  series           = {Comm. from the School of African Studies, new series},
  title            = {Notes on the noun classes of some Bantu languages of Ngamiland: Yeei, Subia, Gova and Gcereku},
  volume           = {2},
  year             = {1942},
  bestfn           = {africa\schapera_bantu-ngamiland1942_o.pdf},
  besttxt          = {ptxt2\africa\schapera_bantu-ngamiland1942_o.txt},
  fn               = {africa\schapera_bantu-ngamiland1942_o.pdf, africa\schapera_bantu-ngamiland1942.pdf},
  hhtype           = {overview;specific_feature},
  inlg             = {English [eng]},
  keywords         = {;saf;nmb;bts;lng;grm;ncl;smn;bnt;r.41b;k.42;k.333;k.332;},
  lgcode           = {Yeeyi = Yeyi [yey], Subiya [sbs], Gova, Gcereku = Diriku [diu]},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  oclc             = {26883465},
  src              = {eballiso2009, hh, weball},
  subject_headings = {saf, nmb, bts, lng, grm, smn, bnt, r.41b, k.42, k.333, k.332}