Thomas, Northcote Whitridge 1916

Thomas, Northcote Whitridge. 1916. Specimens of languages from Sierra Leone. London: Harrison & Sons. 70pp.

  address          = {London},
  author           = {Thomas, Northcote Whitridge},
  pages            = {70},
  publisher        = {Harrison & Sons},
  title            = {Specimens of languages from Sierra Leone},
  year             = {1916},
  bestfn           = {africa\thomas_leone1916.pdf},
  besttxt          = {ptxt2\africa\thomas_sierra-leone1916v3.txt},
  cfn              = {africa\thomas_sierra-leone1916v4.pdf},
  citekeys         = {cldf9:4d4e5dcbdb54e7a5c67e0ecf47b5c720},
  delivered        = {africa\thomas_sierra-leone1916v4.pdf},
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  hhtype           = {overview;wordlist},
  inlg             = {English [eng]},
  isbn             = {9781179446967},
  isreferencedby   = {cldf9},
  jfmnote          = {Contains a number of vocabularies for Sierra Leonean languages, e.g. Timne, Belom, Krim, Kisi, Limba, Gora, Susu, Ful, Mende, Koranko, Yalunka, Kono, Vai, Loko, plus some or other Kru language.},
  keywords         = {;waf;srl;lng;dct;u.722;u.733;u.712;u.713;u.723;u.714;u.873;u.874;u.874;u.875;u.891;u.876;u.811;u.300;},
  lgcode           = {Timne [tem], Bulem = Bullom So [buy], Krim = Bom-Kim [bmf], Limba-Sella = Limba-West-Central [lia], Biriwa = East Limba [lma], Safroko = East Limba [lma], Limba-Tonko = Limba-West-Central [lia], Limba-Warawara = East Limba [lma], Susu [sus], Kuranko [knk], Yalunka [yal], Kono [kno], Vai [vai], 2xMendi = Mende (Sierra Leone) [men], Loko = Loko [lok], Gola = Gola [gol], Fula, Sierra Leone Kisi = Kisi-Southern [kss], Gola = Gola [gol], Dewoi = Dewoin [dee], Basa = Bassa [bsq], Pwese},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  notes            = {Contains a number of vocabularies for Sierra Leonean languages, e.g. Timne, Belom, Krim, Kisi, Limba, Gora, Susu, Ful, Mende, Koranko, Yalunka, Kono, Vai, Loko, plus some or other Kru language.},
  oclc             = {2722843},
  sortname         = {Thomas, Northcote Whitridge},
  src              = {cldf, eballiso2009, hh, langsci, weball},
  subject_headings = {waf, srl, lng, dct, u.722, u.733, u.712, u.713, u.723, u.714, u.873, u.874, u.875, u.891, u.876, u.811, u.300}