Dimmendaal, Gerrit 1988

Dimmendaal, Gerrit. 1988. Aspects du Basaa (bantou Zone A, Cameroun). (Société d'Études Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France, 12.) Traduit de la hollandais par Luc Bouquiaux avec la collaboration d'Anne Behaghel edn. Paris: Peeters. 90pp. (SELAF 96).

  address               = {Paris},
  author                = {Dimmendaal, Gerrit},
  edition               = {Traduit de la hollandais par Luc Bouquiaux avec la collaboration d'Anne Behaghel},
  note                  = {SELAF 96},
  pages                 = {90},
  publisher             = {Peeters},
  series                = {Société d'Études Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France},
  title                 = {Aspects du Basaa (bantou Zone A, Cameroun)},
  volume                = {12},
  year                  = {1988},
  bestfn                = {africa\dimmendaal_basaa1988_o.pdf},
  besttxt               = {ptxt\africa\dimmendaal_basaa1988.txt},
  class_loc             = {PL8065.1},
  document_type         = {B},
  fn                    = {africa\dimmendaal_basaa1988.pdf, africa\dimmendaal_basaa1988_o.pdf},
  hhtype                = {phonology;specific_feature},
  inlg                  = {French [fra]},
  isbn                  = {9782877230070},
  jfmnote               = {Based on the author's mémoire de licence, State Univ. of Leiden, 1976.},
  keywords              = {;waf;caf;cmr;lng;grd;phn;bnt;a.43a;},
  lgcode                = {Basa (Cameroon) [bas]},
  macro_area            = {Africa},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf = {PL 8065 .1 DIM 1988},
  notes                 = {Based on the author's mémoire de licence, State University of Leiden, 1976.},
  oclc                  = {22209667},
  src                   = {eballiso2009, hh, mpieva, weball},
  subject_headings      = {Basa language–Phonology, Basa language–Noun, Basa language–Verb, Basa language–Phonology – Basa language–Noun – Basa language–Verb}