Bookkeeping: Northern Zhuang

This entry has been retired and is featured here only for bookkeeping purposes. Either the entry has been replaced with one or more more accurate entries or it has been retired because it was based on a misunderstanding to begin with.

Retired in ISO 639-3: Split into ten languages: Guibian Zh [zgn]; Liujiang Zh [zlj]; Qiubei Zh [zqe]; Guibei Zh [zgb]; Youjiang Zh [zyj]; Central Hongshuihe Zh [zch]; Eastern Hongshuihe Zh [zeh]; Liuqian Zh [zlq]; Yongbei Zh [zyb]; Lianshan Zh [zln].

  • Change request: 2007-027
  • ISO 639-3: ccx
  • Name: Northern Zhuang
  • Reason: split
  • Effective: 2008-01-14

Excerpt from change request document:

Speakers of each proposed separate language only have marginal understanding of the other languages. There is no central variety that speakers of the proposed languages understand.

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