Garipov, Talmas M. and Serebrennikov, Boris A. 1979

Garipov, Talmas M. & Boris A. Serebrennikov. 1979. Kypcakskie jazyki Uralo-Povolzja: opyt sinchroniceskoj i diachroniceskoj charakteristiki. Moskva: Izdat. Nauka. 302pp.

  address                 = {Moskva},
  author                  = {Garipov, Talmas M. and Serebrennikov, Boris A.},
  pages                   = {302},
  publisher               = {Izdat. Nauka},
  title                   = {Kypcakskie jazyki Uralo-Povolzja: opyt sinchroniceskoj i diachroniceskoj charakteristiki},
  year                    = {1979},
  class_loc               = {PL61},
  document_type           = {B},
  german_subject_headings = {Ural-Wolgagebiet, Kiptschakische Sprachen, Ural-Wolgagebiet – Kiptschakische Sprachen},
  inlg                    = {Russian [rus]},
  lgcode                  = {Tatar [tat], Northern Uzbek [uzn], Bashkir [bak]},
  macro_area              = {Eurasia},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf   = {PL 61 GAR 1979},
  src                     = {mpieva},
  subject_headings        = {Turkic languages, Northwest., Bashkir language., Tatar language., Turkic languages, Northwest. – Bashkir language. – Tatar language.}