Dhakal, Dubi Nanda 2017

Dhakal, Dubi Nanda. 2017. Lowa Case Markers in Comparative Perspective. The Journal of University Grants Commission 6(1). 16-28.

  author     = {Dhakal, Dubi Nanda},
  journal    = {The Journal of University Grants Commission},
  number     = {1},
  pages      = {16-28},
  title      = {Lowa Case Markers in Comparative Perspective},
  volume     = {6},
  year       = {2017},
  hhtype     = {specific_feature},
  inlg       = {English [eng]},
  lgcode     = {Lowa [loy]},
  macro_area = {Eurasia},
  src        = {hh}


Name in source Glottolog languoid