Anderson, Stephen Craig 1980

Anderson, Stephen Craig. 1980. A autosegmental account of Bamileke-Dschang tonology. Journal of Linguistic Research 1(4). 74-94.

  author           = {Anderson, Stephen Craig},
  journal          = {Journal of Linguistic Research},
  number           = {4},
  pages            = {74-94},
  title            = {A autosegmental account of Bamileke-Dschang tonology},
  volume           = {1},
  year             = {1980},
  country          = {Cameroon [CM]},
  inlg             = {English [eng]},
  lgcode           = {Yemba [ybb]},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  sil_id           = {18422},
  src              = {sil16, weball},
  subject          = {Suprasegmentals [SPS]},
  subject_headings = {waf, caf, cmr, lng, phn, tnl, t.191}