Kaye, Alan S. 1988

Kaye, Alan S. 1988. The history and development of Juba and Ki-Nubi Arabic.

  author           = {Kaye, Alan S.},
  title            = {The history and development of Juba and Ki-Nubi Arabic},
  year             = {1988},
  citekeys         = {cldf9:b81ff967ba4003753375db2dceaa6bb5},
  inlg             = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby   = {cldf9},
  keywords         = {;nea;eaf;sdn;ugn;kny;lng;phn;rcn;z.x.210e;z.x.210f;},
  lgcode           = {[nubi1253]},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  notes            = {Listed by Drolc et al (1999:69).},
  src              = {cldf, eballiso2009, weball},
  subject_headings = {nea, eaf, sdn, ugn, kny, lng, phn, rcn, z.x.211}