Bynon, Theodora 1998

Bynon, Theodora. 1998. Inverse Direction and Second Person in Dumi. In Kulikov, Leonid and Vater, Heinz (eds.), Typology of Verbal Categories. Papers Presented to Vladimir Nedjalkov on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, 85-94. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110913750.85.

  address        = {Berlin, Boston},
  author         = {Bynon, Theodora},
  booktitle      = {Typology of Verbal Categories. Papers Presented to Vladimir Nedjalkov on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday},
  editor         = {Kulikov, Leonid and Vater, Heinz},
  pages          = {85-94},
  publisher      = {De Gruyter},
  title          = {Inverse Direction and Second Person in Dumi},
  url            = {},
  year           = {1998},
  citekeys       = {cldf3:1810},
  doi            = {10.1515/9783110913750.85},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby = {cldf3},
  lgcode         = {[dumi1241]},
  macro_area     = {Eurasia},
  src            = {cldf, degruyter, zurich},
  zurichcode     = {Dumi [DUS]}