Drury, Robert 1729

Drury, Robert. 1729. Madagascar: Robert Drury's journal during fifteen years' captivity on that island. Written by himself, digested into order, and now publish'd at the request of his friends edn. London: W. Meadows. xvi+464pp.

  address    = {London},
  author     = {Drury, Robert},
  edition    = {Written by himself, digested into order, and now publish'd at the request of his friends},
  pages      = {xvi+464},
  publisher  = {W. Meadows},
  title      = {Madagascar: Robert Drury's journal during fifteen years' captivity on that island},
  year       = {1729},
  bestfn     = {africa\drury_madagascar1729v2_o.pdf},
  besttxt    = {ptxt2\africa\drury_madagascar1729v2_o.txt},
  fn         = {africa\drury_madagascar1729_o.pdf, africa\drury_madagascar1729v2_o.pdf, africa\drury_madagascar1729.pdf},
  hhtype     = {ethnographic;wordlist},
  inlg       = {English [eng]},
  jfmnote    = {Sometimes credited to Daniel Defoe and therefore often labelled fiction. Includes mentions of the 'Virzimbers' (= Vazimba) (p xi, 383-384), and a Malagasy vocabulary (p. 457-464).},
  keywords   = {;eaf;mdg;ant;trv;ant;lng;lxl;y.661;},
  lgcode     = {Mahafaly [NOCODE_Mahafaly]},
  macro_area = {Africa},
  oclc       = {645789240},
  src        = {eballiso2009, hh}