Alexandre, Gustave 1953

Alexandre, Gustave. 1953. La Langue Möré. (Mémoires de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire, 34.) Dakar: IFAN. 506+407pp. (2 vols.)

  address          = {Dakar},
  author           = {Alexandre, Gustave},
  note             = {2 vols.},
  pages            = {506+407},
  publisher        = {IFAN},
  series           = {Mémoires de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire},
  title            = {La Langue Möré},
  volume           = {34},
  year             = {1953},
  besttxt          = {ptxt2\africa\alexandre_more1953.txt},
  fn               = {africa\alexandre_more1953_o.pdf, africa\alexandre_more1953.pdf},
  hhtype           = {grammar;dictionary},
  inlg             = {French [fra]},
  jfmnote          = {The first volume includes a grammar and a French-Moore dictionary, the second a Moore-French dictionary. Reprinted 1970 by Swets & Zeitlinger in Amsterdam.},
  keywords         = {;waf;brk;lng;phn;grm;dct;u.232;},
  lgcode           = {Mossi [mos] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  notes            = {The first volume includes a grammar and a French-Moore dictionary, the second a Moore-French dictionary. Reprinted 1970 by Swets & Zeitlinger in Amsterdam.},
  oclc             = {469279020},
  src              = {eballiso2009, hh, weball},
  subject_headings = {waf, brk, lng, phn, grm, dct, u.232}