Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton 1967

Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton. 1967. The Comoro Islands: a note on the names of languages. Swahili 37(2). 226.

  author           = {Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton},
  journal          = {Swahili},
  number           = {2},
  pages            = {226},
  title            = {The Comoro Islands: a note on the names of languages},
  volume           = {37},
  year             = {1967},
  citekeys         = {cldf9:7c207d2545a009587c7c4d266a6dd42a},
  hhtype           = {comparative (computerized assignment from "languages")},
  inlg             = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby   = {cldf9},
  keywords         = {;eaf;cmi;lng;lxl;nms;bnt;g.44;},
  lgcode           = {[maor1244]},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  src              = {cldf, eballiso2009, weball},
  subject_headings = {eaf, cmi, lng, lxl, bnt, g.44}