Norra [nrr], is listed in E16/E17/E18/E19/E20/E21/E22/E23/E24/E25/E26/E27 as a Nungish language of Northern Myanmar (no more precise location) with the dialects Nora, Byabe, Kizolo. The information almost certainly derives from Voegelin, C. and Voegelin, F. 1965: 15 , but Voegelin, C. and Voegelin, F. 1965: 15 list Nora, Byabe, Kizolo as dialects of Nung (which has an entry Nung [nun]). Indeed, fieldwork confirms Nung in China and Nung across the border in Myanmar are mutually intelligible ( Hongkai Sun and Guangkun Liu 2009: 8 ). See also: Nung (Myanmar) [nun].