Bookkeeping: Norra

This entry has been retired and is featured here only for bookkeeping purposes. Either the entry has been replaced with one or more more accurate entries or it has been retired because it was based on a misunderstanding to begin with.
AES status:
David M. Eberhard and Gary F. Simons and Charles D. Fennig 2024
Nora (nrr-nrr) = 10 (Extinct).

Norra [nrr], is listed in E16/E17/E18/E19/E20/E21/E22/E23/E24/E25/E26/E27 as a Nungish language of Northern Myanmar (no more precise location) with the dialects Nora, Byabe, Kizolo. The information almost certainly derives from Voegelin, C. and Voegelin, F. 1965: 15 , but Voegelin, C. and Voegelin, F. 1965: 15 list Nora, Byabe, Kizolo as dialects of Nung (which has an entry Nung [nun]). Indeed, fieldwork confirms Nung in China and Nung across the border in Myanmar are mutually intelligible ( Hongkai Sun and Guangkun Liu 2009: 8 ). See also: Nung (Myanmar) [nun].

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