This entry has been retired and is featured here only for bookkeeping purposes. Either
the entry has been replaced with one or more more accurate entries or it has been retired
because it was based on a misunderstanding to begin with.
Kukna (kex-kex) = 3 (Wider communication). Became a language of wider communication in the 18th century under Portuguese control. Used in trade, plays, songs, and communication among ethnic tribes.
Kukna [kex] is listed in E16/E17/E18/E19/E20/E21/E22/E23/E24/E25/E26/E27 as a separate language but the Kukna speak a language intelligible to that in the Dhodia [dho] entry ( S. P. Ahirwal 2003: 22 ). See also: Dhodia-Kukna [dho].