Forster, Jannette and Barnard, Myra Lou 1954

Forster, Jannette & Myra Lou Barnard. 1954. Dibabaon-Mandayan vocabulary. Manila: Summer Institute of Linguistics and Department of Education. ii+67pp.

  address    = {Manila},
  author     = {Forster, Jannette and Barnard, Myra Lou},
  pages      = {ii+67},
  publisher  = {Summer Institute of Linguistics and Department of Education},
  title      = {Dibabaon-Mandayan vocabulary},
  year       = {1954},
  bestfn     = {papua\barnard_dibabaon1954_o.pdf},
  besttxt    = {ptxt\papua\barnard_dibabaon1954.txt},
  country    = {Philippines [PH]},
  fn         = {papua\barnard_dibabaon1954.pdf, papua\barnard_dibabaon1954_o.pdf},
  hhtype     = {dictionary},
  inlg       = {English [eng]},
  lgcode     = {Dibabawon Manobo [mbd]},
  macro_area = {Papunesia},
  sil_id     = {10178},
  src        = {hh, sil16},
  subject    = {Dictionaries and vocabularies [DAV]}

Document types


Name in source Glottolog languoid
Dibabawon Manobo