Kitty Pride and Leslie Pride 2004

Pride, Kitty & Leslie Pride. 2004. Diccionario Chatino de la Zona Alta Panixtlahuaca, Oaxaca y otros pueblos. (Serie de vocabularios y diccionarios indígenas "Mariano Silva y Aceves", 47.) 1st edn. Tlalpan, D.F.: SIL. xxiii+476pp. (Includes bibliography: (p. 473-476) Spanish and Chatino).

  address               = {Tlalpan, D.F.},
  author                = {Kitty Pride and Leslie Pride},
  edition               = {1},
  note                  = {Includes bibliography: (p. 473-476) Spanish and Chatino},
  pages                 = {xxiii+476},
  publisher             = {SIL},
  series                = {Serie de vocabularios y diccionarios indígenas "Mariano Silva y Aceves"},
  title                 = {Diccionario Chatino de la Zona Alta Panixtlahuaca, Oaxaca y otros pueblos},
  volume                = {47},
  year                  = {2004},
  asjp_name             = {Chatino, Western Highland},
  class_loc             = {PM3616.Z5},
  country               = {Mexico [MX]},
  document_type         = {B},
  hhtype                = {dictionary (computerized assignment from "diccionario")},
  inlg                  = {Spanish [spa]},
  isbn                  = {968-310331-6},
  lgcode                = {Western Highland Chatino [ctp]},
  macro_area            = {North America},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf = {PM 3616 .Z5 PRI 2004},
  sil_id                = {44940},
  src                   = {asjp2010, mpieva, sil16},
  subject               = {Dictionaries and vocabularies [DAV]},
  subject_headings      = {Chatino language–Mexico–Panixtlahuaca–Dictionaries–Spanish, Spanish language–Mexico–Panixtlahuaca–Dictionaries–Chatino, Chatino language–Mexico–Panixtlahuaca–Dictionaries–Spanish – Spanish language–Mexico–Panixtlahuaca–Dictionaries–Chatino}