Boswell, Freddy 1996

Boswell, Freddy. 1996. Review of: Kwamera, by Lamont Lindstrom and John Lynch. Notes on Linguistics 72: 52p.

  address    = {Notes on Linguistics 72},
  author     = {Boswell, Freddy},
  publisher  = {52p},
  title      = {Review of: Kwamera, by Lamont Lindstrom and John Lynch},
  year       = {1996},
  country    = {Vanuatu [VU]},
  inlg       = {English [eng]},
  lgcode     = {Kwamera [tnk]},
  macro_area = {Papunesia},
  sil_id     = {36470},
  src        = {sil16},
  subject    = {Grammatical descriptions [GRD], Reviews [REV]}


Name in source Glottolog languoid