Patrick, Peter Lumpkin 1992

Patrick, Peter Lumpkin. 1992. Linguistic Variation in Urban Jamaican Creole: A Sociolinguistic Study of Kingston, Jamaica. Ann Arbor: Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania dissertation. (529pp.)

  address               = {Ann Arbor},
  author                = {Patrick, Peter Lumpkin},
  pages                 = {529},
  publisher             = {UMI},
  school                = {Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania},
  title                 = {Linguistic Variation in Urban Jamaican Creole: A Sociolinguistic Study of Kingston, Jamaica},
  year                  = {1992},
  abstract              = {This study of a mixed-class neighborhood in Kingston (Jamaica's capital city) draws a synchronic profile of a speech community in quantitative variationist terms, examining urban mesolectal speech and mapping the creole continuum on phono-lexical, phonological, morphological and syntactic dimensions. Based on a year's fieldwork by a near-native speaker, the tape-recorded speech of 15 individuals who span the continuum is investigated for 3 variables: the palatalization of velars before low vowels (/kya/), the simplification of final consonant clusters ending in /-t/ or /-d/, and past-marking in preterite verb-phrases. The last considers separately the classic creole pre-verbal past-markers /ben/, /did/ and /neva/, on the one hand; and variation between inflected and unmarked past-reference verbs, on the other; examining the role of stativity, anteriority, and clause-type. The speech community is described in terms of its history, demographics, local categories, and social geography. The linguistic variables are subjected to a quantitative sociolinguistic analysis that takes into account speakers' social class, sex, rural/urban orientation, occupation, education and age; these social criteria are used primarily to interpret the patterning of speakers on the linguistic continuum.},
  adviser               = {Sankoff, Gillian},
  bestfn                = {north_america\patrick_jamaican1992_o.pdf},
  besttxt               = {ptxt\north_america\patrick_kingston1992.txt},
  cfn                   = {north_america\patrick_jamaican1992_o.pdf},
  class_loc             = {PM7874.J3},
  degree                = {PhD},
  delivered             = {north_america\patrick_jamaican1992_o.pdf},
  digital_formats       = {PDF 14.89Mb image-only PDF},
  document_type         = {B},
  fn                    = {north_america\patrick_kingston1992.pdf, north_america\patrick_kingston1992_o.pdf, north_america\patrick_jamaican1992_o.pdf, north_america\patrick _jamaican1992_o.pdf},
  hhtype                = {grammar_sketch;socling},
  inlg                  = {English [eng]},
  lgcode                = {Jamaican Creole English [jam]},
  macro_area            = {North America},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf = {PM 7874 .J3 PAT 2002},
  mpifn                 = {jamaican_patrick1992_o.pdf},
  source                = {DAI-A 53/05, p. 1502, Nov 1992},
  src                   = {hh, mpieva},
  subject               = {LANGUAGE, LINGUISTICS (0290); ANTHROPOLOGY, CULTURAL (0326)},
  subject_headings      = {Creole dialects, English – Jamaica – Variation, Urban dialects – Jamaica – Kingston, Creole dialects, English – Jamaica – Variation – Urban dialects – Jamaica – Kingston},
  umi_id                = {9227738}