Aboh, Enoch O 2006

Aboh, Enoch O. 2006. Complementation in Saramaccan and Gungbe: The case of c-type modal particles. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 24(1). 1-55. doi: 10.1007/s11049-005-1815-4.

  author         = {Aboh, Enoch O},
  journal        = {Natural Language and Linguistic Theory},
  number         = {1},
  pages          = {1-55},
  title          = {Complementation in Saramaccan and Gungbe: The case of c-type modal particles},
  volume         = {24},
  year           = {2006},
  citekeys       = {glossa5251:B2 glossa5429:B4},
  doi            = {10.1007/s11049-005-1815-4},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby = {glossa5251 glossa5429},
  keywords       = {;waf;bnn;tgo;ghn;lng;grm;tam;u.181;},
  lgcode         = {Gun [guw]},
  macro_area     = {Africa},
  src            = {eballiso2009, glossa}