Steriade, Duncan 1982

Steriade, Duncan. 1982. Greek prosodies and the nature of syllabification. Los Angeles, CA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 385pp. (Includes bibliographical references (S. 380-385)).

  address                          = {Los Angeles, CA},
  author                           = {Steriade, Duncan},
  note                             = {Includes bibliographical references (S. 380-385)},
  pages                            = {385},
  publisher                        = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology},
  school                           = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology},
  title                            = {Greek prosodies and the nature of syllabification},
  url                              = {},
  year                             = {1982},
  citekeys                         = {glossa5117:B56 glossa5186:B68 glossa5444:B71 glossa5784:B50},
  class_loc                        = {PA268},
  document_type                    = {CF},
  endnote_reference_number         = {20},
  fn                               = {eurasia/steriade_greek1982_o.pdf},
  fnnote                           = {pdf, 14,2 MB},
  google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {N257VO-_J8EJ},
  inlg                             = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby                   = {glossa5117 glossa5186 glossa5444 glossa5784},
  lgcode                           = {[ell]},
  macro_area                       = {Eurasia},
  mpifn                            = {greek_steriade1982_o.pdf},
  src                              = {glossa, langsci, ldh, mpieva},
  subject_headings                 = {Greek language – Syllabication, Greek language – Prosodic analysis, Syllabication, Greek language – Syllabication – Greek language – Prosodic analysis – Syllabication}