Hill, J. H. and 1-9., K. C. Hill. 1970

Hill, J. H. & K. C. Hill. 1-9. 1970. A note on Uto-Aztecan color terminologies. Anthropological Linguistics 12. 231-38.

  author         = {Hill, J. H. and 1-9., K. C. Hill.},
  journal        = {Anthropological Linguistics},
  key            = {Hill and Hill (1970)},
  pages          = {231-38},
  title          = {A note on Uto-Aztecan color terminologies},
  volume         = {12},
  year           = {1970},
  citekeys       = {cldf5:hillandhill1970},
  hhtype         = {ethnographic},
  isreferencedby = {cldf5},
  lgcode         = {[utee1244]},
  macro_area     = {North America},
  src            = {cldf}

Document types


Name in source Glottolog languoid