Yâqût al-Rûmî 1212/24

al-Rûmî, Yâqût. 1212/24. Mu'jm al-buldân = The dictionary of countries.

  author     = {Yâqût al-Rûmî},
  title      = {Mu'jm al-buldân = The dictionary of countries},
  year       = {1212/24},
  hhtype     = {dictionary (computerized assignment from "dictionary")},
  inlg       = {English [eng]},
  keywords   = {;naf;waf;eaf;tnz;znz;ant;bnt;lng;lxl;bnt;g.40;x.211;},
  macro_area = {Africa},
  notes      = {Includes an early recording of the name for Zanzibar, i.e. Langûjah (Doke 1960:27). Yâqût al-Rûmî's 'Mu'jm al-buldân' is a geographical dictionary with place names arranged alphabetically. The author began writing it in 1212. 'For entries on the Sahara and the Sudan Yâqût quotes the tenth-century Ibn Hawqal and the eleventh century al-Bakrî. But he also borrowed (without acknowledgement) from Ibn al-Faqîh ... But by far the most important quotations are those from 'al-'Azîzî', the lost work of al-Muhallabî' (Levtzion & Hopkins 1981:167).},
  src        = {eballiso2009}