Buell, Leston 2007

Buell, Leston. 2007. Semantic and formal locatives: Implications for the Bantu locative inversion typology. SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics 15(15). 105-120.

  author         = {Buell, Leston},
  editor         = {Kula, Nancy C. and Marten, Lutz},
  journal        = {SOAS Working Papers in Linguistics},
  number         = {15},
  pages          = {105-120},
  title          = {Semantic and formal locatives: Implications for the Bantu locative inversion typology},
  volume         = {15},
  year           = {2007},
  citekeys       = {glossa5849:B28},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby = {glossa5849},
  jfmnote        = {Looks primarily at Zulu and Tharaka.},
  keywords       = {;saf;eaf;lng;grm;bnt;s.42;e.54;},
  lgcode         = {Tharaka [thk], Zulu [zul] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)},
  macro_area     = {Africa},
  src            = {eballiso2009, glossa, langsci},
  subtitle       = {Implications for the Bantu locative inversion typology}