Ridge, Eleanor Claire 2019

Ridge, Eleanor Claire. 2019. Variation in Vatlongos Verbal Morphosyntax: speaker communities in Southeast Ambrym and Mele Maat. London: University of London dissertation. (426pp.)

  address        = {London},
  author         = {Ridge, Eleanor Claire},
  pages          = {426},
  school         = {University of London},
  title          = {Variation in Vatlongos Verbal Morphosyntax: speaker communities in Southeast Ambrym and Mele Maat},
  type           = {PhD dissertation},
  year           = {2019},
  bestfn         = {papua\ridge_vatlongos2019.pdf},
  besttxt        = {ptxt2\papua\ridge_vatlongos2019.txt},
  cfn            = {papua\ridge_vatlongos2019.pdf},
  citekeys       = {langsci282:ridge2019},
  fn             = {papua\ridge_vatlongos2019_o.pdf, papua\ridge_vatlongos2019.pdf},
  hhtype         = {grammar},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby = {langsci282},
  lgcode         = {Southeast Ambrym = Southeast Ambrym [tvk]},
  macro_area     = {Papunesia},
  src            = {hh, langsci}