Adrian Marsh 2010

Marsh, Adrian. 2010. The Gypsies in Turkey: history, ethnicity and identity --- an action research strategy in practice. In Damian Le Bas and Thomas Acton (eds.), All Change! Romani Studies through Romani eyes, 26-36. University of Hertfordshire Press.

  author     = {Adrian Marsh},
  booktitle  = {All Change! Romani Studies through Romani eyes},
  editor     = {Damian Le Bas and Thomas Acton},
  pages      = {26-36},
  publisher  = {University of Hertfordshire Press},
  title      = {The Gypsies in Turkey: history, ethnicity and identity --- an action research strategy in practice},
  year       = {2010},
  bestfn     = {eurasia\marsh_gypsies-turkey2010.pdf},
  besttxt    = {ptxt2\eurasia\marsh_gypsies-turkey2010.txt},
  fn         = {eurasia\marsh_gypsies-turkey2010.pdf, eurasia\marsh_gypsies-turkey2010_o.pdf},
  hhtype     = {overview},
  inlg       = {English [eng]},
  lgcode     = {Domlar = Northern Domari = Domari [rmt], Romanlar, Lomlar = Lomavren [rmi]},
  macro_area = {Eurasia},
  src        = {hh}

Document types


Name in source Glottolog languoid
Domlar = Northern Domari