Stuhlmann, Franz. 1916/17. Wortlisten zentralafrikanischer Stämme. Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen 7. 257-308.
@article{53264, author = {Stuhlmann, Franz}, journal = {Zeitschrift für Kolonialsprachen}, pages = {257-308}, title = {Wortlisten zentralafrikanischer Stämme}, volume = {7}, year = {1916/17}, jfmnote = {The main part of the article comprises wordlists for six languages (though the introduction mentions and lists several more), namely Ki-Doë G301, Ki-Nyamamba D26, Ki-Kussu C72, Tschomba/Wa-Kussu C70?, Wa-Lengole D12, and Wa-Bonyéle D10?/D20?. Following the main part, there are three supplements. The first contains sentences in Kinyamamba and Kikussu. The second, titled 'Vier Bantudialekte aus Ostafrika', includes wordlists for Ki-Gogo G11, Ki-Sinya JD64, Tschamtuara JE22, and Ki-Sarámo/Nzalámo G33. The third, titled 'Kleinere Sprachproben', contains brief lexical specimens for Walégga D25, Wassongora D24, Wapokombe D31, Wandigili D10?, and Wanyaturu F32.}, keywords = {;caf;drc;lng;dct;bnt;g.301;d.26;c.72;d.12;g.11;j.d.64;j.e.22;g.33;d.25;d.24;d.31;f.32;}, lgcode = {Kusu [ksv], Zaramo [zaj], Songoora [sod], Lega-Mwenga [lgm], Zimba [zmb], Lengola [lej], Shubi [suj], Doe [doe], Bhele [bhy], Haya [hay], Nyaturu [rim], Gogo [gog] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)}, macro_area = {Africa}, src = {eballiso2009} }
Name in source | Glottolog languoid |
Kusu | |
Zaramo | |
Songoora | |
Lega-Mwenga | |
Zimba | |
Lengola | |
Shubi | |
Doe | |
Bhele | |
Haya | |
Nyaturu | |
Gogo (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)] |