Amos Teo and Lauren Gawne and Melissa Baese-Berk 2015

Teo, Amos, Lauren Gawne & Melissa Baese-Berk. 2015. Tone and intonation: A case study in two Tibetic languages. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow.

  address    = {Glasgow, UK},
  author     = {Amos Teo and Lauren Gawne and Melissa Baese-Berk},
  booktitle  = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Phonetic Sciences},
  publisher  = {the University of Glasgow},
  title      = {Tone and intonation: A case study in two Tibetic languages},
  year       = {2015},
  hhtype     = {minimal},
  inlg       = {English [eng]},
  lgcode     = {Yolmo = Helambu Sherpa [scp]},
  macro_area = {Eurasia},
  src        = {hh}