Sun, Jackson T.-S. and Lin, Youjing 2007

Sun, Jackson T.-S. & Youjing Lin. 2007. Constructional Variation in rGyalrong Relativization: How To Make a Choice?. 205-226.

  address        = {Taipei},
  author         = {Sun, Jackson T.-S. and Lin, Youjing},
  booktitle      = {Pre-Conference Proceedings of the International Workshop on Relative Clauses},
  month          = {November 2-3},
  organization   = {Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica},
  pages          = {205-226},
  title          = {Constructional Variation in rGyalrong Relativization: How To Make a Choice?},
  year           = {2007},
  citekeys       = {langsci295:jacksonlin07},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby = {langsci295},
  lgcode         = {Tshobdun = Tshobdun [NOCODE_Tshobdun]},
  macro_area     = {Eurasia},
  src            = {gj, langsci}