Allison, Gordon H. 1973

Allison, Gordon H. 1973. Mini-dictionary, English–Thai, Thai–English: a total English-Thai and Thai-English vocabulary of more than 7,000 selected useful words and terms; with Thai words shown in easy English phonetics and also in real Thai writing; designed especially for those who cannot yet read the Thai language but want to speak and understand Thai. Bangkok: Professional Services. 479pp.

  address        = {Bangkok},
  author         = {Allison, Gordon H.},
  pages          = {479},
  publisher      = {Professional Services},
  title          = {Mini-dictionary, English–Thai, Thai–English: a total English-Thai and Thai-English vocabulary of more than 7,000 selected useful words and terms; with Thai words shown in easy English phonetics and also in real Thai writing; designed especially for those who cannot yet read the Thai language but want to speak and understand Thai},
  year           = {1973},
  hhtype         = {dictionary (computerized assignment from "dictionary")},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  lgcode         = {Nde-Nsele-Nta [ndd] (computerized assignment from "words")},
  macro_area     = {Eurasia},
  shelf_location = {UHM ASIA CLOSED PL4187.A46},
  src            = {sala}