Schulze, Marlene and Bieri, Dora 1971

Schulze, Marlene & Dora Bieri. 1971. A guide to Sunwar tone. (Guide to Tone in Nepal, 4.) Kathmandu: Tribhuvan University and Summer Institute of Linguistics. 38pp.

  address        = {Kathmandu},
  author         = {Schulze, Marlene and Bieri, Dora},
  pages          = {38},
  publisher      = {Tribhuvan University and Summer Institute of Linguistics},
  series         = {Guide to Tone in Nepal},
  title          = {A guide to Sunwar tone},
  volume         = {4},
  year           = {1971},
  country        = {Nepal [NP]},
  keywords       = {Sunwar: Tones},
  lgcode         = {Sunwar [suz]},
  macro_area     = {Eurasia},
  shelf_location = {UHM ASIA PL3801.S83 B5},
  sil_id         = {10268},
  src            = {sala, sil16},
  subject        = {Tone [TON], Language texts [LTX]}