Austin, Peter K. 1987

Austin, Peter K. 1987. A learners dictionary of Payungu, Western Australia. Linguistics Division, La Trobe University.

  author                     = {Austin, Peter K.},
  publisher                  = {Linguistics Division, La Trobe University},
  title                      = {A learners dictionary of Payungu, Western Australia},
  year                       = {1987},
  aiatsis_callnumber         = {MURA has A dictionary of Payungu, Western Australia 1992 and An introductory dictionary of Payungu 1984},
  aiatsis_code               = {W23},
  aiatsis_reference_language = {Payungu},
  hhtype                     = {dictionary (computerized assignment from "dictionary")},
  inlg                       = {English [eng]},
  lgcode                     = {Bayungu [bxj]},
  macro_area                 = {Australia},
  ozbib_id                   = {245},
  ozbibreftype               = {6},
  src                        = {ozbib}