Droese, Ernest 1884

Droese, Ernest. 1884. Introduction to the Malto Language. Agra: Secundra Orphanage Press. 257pp.

  address        = {Agra},
  author         = {Droese, Ernest},
  pages          = {257},
  publisher      = {Secundra Orphanage Press},
  title          = {Introduction to the Malto Language},
  year           = {1884},
  bestfn         = {eurasia\droese_malto1884_o.pdf},
  besttxt        = {ptxt2\eurasia\droese_malto1884_o.txt},
  citekeys       = {cldf4:g_Droese_Malto},
  fn             = {eurasia\droese_malto1884_o.pdf, eurasia\droese_malto1884.pdf},
  hhtype         = {grammar},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby = {cldf4},
  lgcode         = {Sawriya dialect = Sawriya Malto = Sauria Paharia [mjt]},
  macro_area     = {Eurasia},
  oclc           = {4821285},
  src            = {cldf, hh}

Document types


Name in source Glottolog languoid
Sawriya dialect = Sawriya Malto