Ash, Anna and Giacon, John and Lissarrague, Amanda 2003

Ash, Anna, John Giacon & Amanda Lissarrague. 2003. Gamilaraay- Yuwaalaraay- Yuwaalayaay dictionary. In Ash, Anna and Giacon, John and Lissarrague, Amanda (eds.) Alice Springs: IAD Press. xi+344pp.

  address                    = {Alice Springs},
  author                     = {Ash, Anna and Giacon, John and Lissarrague, Amanda},
  editor                     = {Ash, Anna and Giacon, John and Lissarrague, Amanda},
  pages                      = {xi+344},
  publisher                  = {IAD Press},
  title                      = {Gamilaraay- Yuwaalaraay- Yuwaalayaay dictionary},
  year                       = {2003},
  aiatsis_callnumber         = {L G193.003/4},
  aiatsis_code               = {D23, D27},
  aiatsis_reference_language = {Yuwaalaraay, Gamilaraay},
  bestfn                     = {australia\ashetal_gamilaraay2003.pdf},
  besttxt                    = {ptxt2\australia\ashetal_gamilaraay2003.txt},
  call_number                = {L G193.003/4},
  cfn                        = {australia\ashetal_gamilaraay2003.pdf},
  fn                         = {australia\ashetal_gamilaraay2003.pdf},
  hhtype                     = {grammar_sketch;dictionary},
  inlg                       = {English [eng]},
  isbn                       = {9781864650518},
  lgcode                     = {Gamilaraay [kld]},
  macro_area                 = {Australia},
  oclc                       = {53348741},
  ozbib_id                   = {190},
  ozbibreftype               = {28},
  src                        = {hh, ozbib}