Johnson, Audrey 1974

Johnson, Audrey. 1974. Primer stories for the San Juan Mixtepec Mixtec. Notes on Literacy. 16. En Notes on literacy (Summer Institute of Linguistics, Dallas), no. 16, pp. 9-10. 9-10pp.

  author              = {Johnson, Audrey},
  howpublished        = {En Notes on literacy (Summer Institute of Linguistics, Dallas), no. 16, pp. 9-10},
  journal             = {Notes on Literacy},
  pages               = {9-10},
  title               = {Primer stories for the San Juan Mixtepec Mixtec},
  volume              = {16},
  year                = {1974},
  country             = {Mexico [MX]},
  inlg                = {English [eng]},
  lgcode              = {Mixtepec Mixtec [mix]},
  macro_area          = {North America},
  otomanguean_heading = {Mixtec},
  sil_id              = {22799},
  src                 = {otomanguean, sil16},
  subject             = {Literacy materials [LMA]}


Name in source Glottolog languoid
Mixtepec Mixtec